Last updated:

HogQL is the name of our take on SQL. It's effeectively a wrapper around ClickHouse SQL, with a few tweaks, such as simplified event and person property access.

HogQL Expressions (BETA)

Right now we have released HogQL Expressions (BETA), which can be used inside insights as filters and/or breakdown values.

HogQL trends breakdown filter

Is HogQL real SQL?

HogQL is real SQL. It's a translation layer over ClickHouse SQL, with the features we have enabled.

Strings and quotes

Quotation symbols work the same way they would work with ClickHouse.

  • Use 'single quotes' for text strings.
  • Use backticks () or "double quotes"` for columns, properties and aliases with spaces.

Supported ClickHouse functions

The following ClickHouse functions have been enabled. This list is ever expanding. Please submit a Pull Request if we're missing something obvious.


  • abs
  • max2
  • min2

Type conversions

All properties are currently accessed as strings. To compare numeric properties, you will need to wrap them with a function like toInt. For example: toInt(properties.$screen_width). This will be automatic soon.

  • toInt
  • toFloat
  • toDecimal
  • toDate
  • toDateTime
  • toIntervalSecond
  • toIntervalMinute
  • toIntervalHour
  • toIntervalDay
  • toIntervalWeek
  • toIntervalMonth
  • toIntervalQuarter
  • toIntervalYear
  • toString

Date functions

  • INTERVAL 1 MONTH keyword
  • now()
  • toMonday
  • toStartOfYear
  • toStartOfQuarter
  • toStartOfMonth
  • toStartOfWeek
  • toStartOfDay
  • toStartOfHour
  • toStartOfMinute
  • toStartOfSecond
  • toStartOfFiveMinutes
  • toStartOfTenMinutes
  • toStartOfFifteenMinutes
  • toTimezone
  • age
  • dateDiff
  • dateTrunc
  • formatDateTime

String functions

  • length
  • empty
  • notEmpty
  • leftPad
  • rightPad
  • lower
  • upper
  • repeat
  • format
  • concat
  • coalesce
  • substring
  • appendTrailingCharIfAbsent
  • endsWith
  • startsWith
  • trim
  • trimLeft
  • trimRight
  • extractTextFromHTML
  • match
  • like
  • ilike
  • notLike
  • replace
  • replaceOne

Array functions

  • tuple


  • if
  • not
  • multiIf


  • round
  • floor
  • ceil
  • trunc


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