n8n Connector

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What does the n8n Connector app do?

This n8n app enables you to automate PostHog workflows and create workflows using other services, using n8n.

How do I get started with the n8n Connector app?

The n8n app is an API integration. You will need a PostHog Personal API key, which must be authenticated with n8n in order to connect n8n and get started.

For more information, please check n8n's integration documentation.

What are the requirements for this app?

Using the n8n Connector requires either PostHog Cloud, or a self-hosted PostHog instance running version 1.30.0 or later.

Not running 1.30.0? Find out how to update your self-hosted PostHog deployment!

Where can I find out more?

Check PostHog's API documentation for more information on pulling and pushing data from/to our API. Further information about n8n's connector is available in n8n's connector documentation.

Who maintains this app?

This app is maintained by n8n. For more information, check n8n's connector documentation.

What if I have feedback on this app?

We love feature requests and feedback! Please create an issue to tell us what you think.

What if my question isn't answered above?

We love answering questions. Ask us anything via our Support page.

You can also join the PostHog Community Slack group to collaborate with others and get advice on developing your own PostHog apps.


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