Taxonomy Standardizer

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What does the Taxonomy Standardizer app do?

This app standardizes all your event names into a single pattern, so that data becomes more consistent and marketing teams aren't driven wild.

What taxonomies are supported?

This app can convert from any of these taxonomies, to any other.

  • Camel Case: helloThereHedgehog
  • Pascal Case: HelloThereHedgehog
  • Snake Case: hello_there_hedgehog
  • Kebab Case: hello-there-hedgehog
  • Spaces: hello there hedgehog

What are the requirements for this app?

The Taxonomy Standardizer requires either PostHog Cloud, or a self-hosted PostHog instance running version 1.30.0 or later.

Not running 1.30.0? Find out how to update your self-hosted PostHog deployment!

How do I install the Taxonomy Standardizer app?

  1. Visit the 'Apps' page in your instance of PostHog.
  2. Search for 'Taxonomy Standardizer' and select the app, press Install.
  3. Follow the on-screen steps to configure the app.


Select your default naming pattern
Type: choice
Required: True

Is the source code for this app available?

PostHog is open-source and so are all apps on the platform. The source code for the Taxonomy Standardizer is available on GitHub.

Who created this app?

We'd like to thank PostHog team member Yakko Majuri for creating the Taxonomy Standardizer. Thank you, Yakko!

Who maintains this app?

This app is maintained by PostHog. If you have issues with the app not functioning as intended, please raise a bug report to let us know!

What if I have feedback on this app?

We love feature requests and feedback! Please create an issue to tell us what you think.

What if my question isn't answered above?

We love answering questions. Ask us anything via our Support page.

You can also join the PostHog Community Slack group to collaborate with others and get advice on developing your own PostHog apps.


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