Open-source self-hosted support

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Self-hosted open-source deployment is MIT licensed and provided without a guarantee.
See the disclaimer for more information.

Support for open-source deployments of PostHog

PostHog at production scale is a data-intensive application with a complex system architecture.

Frequently, errors with self-hosted PostHog are due to incorrect configurations or management.

Unfortunately, as a small team, we don't have the bandwidth for troubleshooting instance-specific issues for open-source users of PostHog. However, if you identify an issue with the open-source deployment PostHog please create a GitHub issue on the repo including the steps to reproduce, open a Pull Request to fix it, or visit the documentation.

For troubleshooting your own problems the troubleshooting guide and runbooks will likely be useful.

If you aren't able to fix the problem yourself here are some other options:

  • Migrate from the self-hosted PostHog to PostHog Cloud
  • 3rd party support
    • Reach out to a relevant PostHog partner. Several customers have had a good experience with Altinity for Clickhouse and Kubernetes issues
    • Work with a software engineering contractor
  • Upgrade to PostHog Enterprise


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Disclaimer for open-source self-hosted PostHog

Self-hosted open-source deployment is made for hobbyists or hosting PostHog in weird and wonderful ways (like in your basement). It's MIT licensed and provided without guarantee. You should be confident in your security knowledge to run it. It is unlikely to handle >100k events/month with a high risk of data loss. As a small team we can only provide limited support for open-source PostHog . For most companies we'd recommend PostHog Cloud .

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