Identify users

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PostHog allows you to identify your users with an ID of your choice. This enables PostHog to associate events with a specific user, track them on different platforms, and connect events from before and after they log in for the first time.

All events within PostHog are associated with a specific person, either an Anonymous person or an Identified person, typically based on whether they're logged in to your application or not.

Identifying users is done using the identify method in one of our SDKs.

1. Anonymous users

When a user starts browsing on your website or app, they'll be automatically assigned an anonymous ID, which is then stored locally and allows us to track anonymous users even across different sessions. This anonymous ID is created using the user's device ID and will typically look like 17b845b08de74-033c497ed2753c-35667c03-1fa400-17b845b08dfd55.

In order to track users across different devices, we will use the identify method to associate events with a logged-in user rather than simply the device they are using.

2. Identifying a user when they sign up

To start, let's walk through the flow of identifying a user as they are signing up for our service for the first time. This is one of the most important areas to get right when setting up analytics, but it can sometimes feel daunting when setting it up for the first time.

We'll start by following a user viewing your website for the first time; as mentioned above, this user is first assigned a unique anonymous ID, which we start using to send events.

Identifying our newly created user

Now, this user navigates to your login flow and goes through the process of creating an account. After your backend logic handles creating an account, you'll then want to call identify to create a person within PostHog.

distinctId: 'distinct_id',
properties: {
name: 'Max Hedgehog',
email: '',

For the distinct_id, you'll typically want to use whatever unique ID was assigned to the user within your database or a unique piece of information such as their email.

Linking past events with our new user

Now that we've created our new user, the next step is to associate any past events that were sent with the old anonymous ID with this new user.

On the client side, this is done by calling identify with the same distinct_id that we just used in our backend identify call.

// Using the 'distinct_id' returned to us from the server

Calling identify from the frontend will do two things:

  1. PostHog will merge all the previous events from our anonymous user into our new user (distinct_id)
  2. All future events will be associated with this new user (distinct_id), even if we still use their anonymous ID

Effectively, these two users have been merged into one.

From now on, all events PostHog sees with ID 17b845b08de74-033c497ed2753c-35667c03-1fa400-17b845b08dfd55 (anonymous ID) will be attributed to the person with ID my_user_12345. This person now has 2 distinct IDs, and either of them can be used to reference the same person.

By combining our anonymous user with our newly created user, we can answer important questions about our onboarding flow such as conversion rate and total unique users.

3. Identifying logged-in users

Now that we've covered the process of handling a user first signing up, the next question is what to do when this user returns.

In most cases, all we need to do is call identify whenever they return back to our site with whatever distinct_id we previously used!

// The same 'distinct_id' as before
posthog.identify('my_user_12345', {
name: 'Max Hedgehog',
email: '',
// ... any other user properties

You'll usually want to call identify every time your application initially loads, or directly after log in if a user first landed on your website while logged out. Typically you'll want this to be the first call you make to PostHog - before sending any events with capture - so making the call as soon as you can determine the distinct_id of the user is best.

There's no gotcha's with calling identify multiple times for the same user as long as you continue to pass the same distinct_id, so feel free to call it multiple times throughout a session.

4. Setting user properties

In addition to adding extra data to specific events like we discussed earlier, it's also very common to want to also set properties on users as well.

As shown above, each time you call identify, you can pass in a properties object which will be set on the user. We suggest passing in all the user properties you have available each time they login, as this will ensure that their user profile on PostHog is up to date.

Tracking properties on users becomes incredibly useful when we start creating insights, which we'll cover in the next guide.

In PostHog, we can also include special $set and $set_once properties on events to set properties for whichever user is sending the event.

What is the difference between $set and $set_once?

If a $set property is included on an event, it will replace whatever value may have already been set on a person for a specific property. In contrast, $set_once will only set the property if it has never been set before.

$set is typically used for properties that you always want up-to-date information for (email, current plan, etc.), while $set_once is typically only used for information related to when a user first is seen (first URL they viewed, first time they logged in).

Note: that we ignore the event timestamps and just process everything at ingestion time.

In summary: set always overrides, set_once only writes when the property doesn't already exist on the user.

For example:

posthog.people.set({ plan: 'free_trail' })
posthog.people.set({ plan: 'premium' })
// { plan: 'premium' }
posthog.people.set_once({ initial_location: 'London' })
posthog.people.set_once({ initial_location: 'Rome' })
// { initial_location: 'London' }

5. Merging users

Sometimes you need to merge users (typically in the backend), there are two options:

  1. alias, which is safeguarded to not merging already identified users into others
  2. merge, with no safeguards. We don't recommend using this in your code, but rather as a one-off manually for recovering from implementation problems. Note that a common error is merging users together who shouldn't be and that's not reversible.

For example using the posthog python library:

posthog.alias('user-id', 'non-identified-id')
posthog.capture('user-id', '$merge_dangerously', {'alias': 'second-user-id'})


Identifying users is a powerful feature, but it also has the potential to create problems if misused.

An important mistake to avoid is using non-unique distinct IDs to identify users. Two common ways in which this can happen are:

  • Your logic for generating IDs does not generate sufficiently strong IDs and you can end up with a clash where 2 users have the same ID
  • There's a bug, typo, or mistake in your code leading to most or all users being identified with generic IDs like null, true, or distinctId

All of the above scenarios are highly problematic, as they will cause distinct users to be merged together in PostHog.

While implementing analytics with PostHog, make sure you avoid above pitfalls to maintain data integrity.

PostHog also has a few built-in protections stopping the most common threats to data integrity:

  • We do not allow identifying users with the following IDs (case insensitive):
    • anonymous
    • guest
    • distinctid
    • distinct_id
    • id
    • not_authenticated
    • email
    • undefined
    • true
    • false
  • We do not allow identifying users with the following IDs (case sensitive):
    • [object Object]
    • NaN
    • None
    • none
    • null
    • 0
  • We do not allow identifying users with empty space strings of any length (' ', ' ', etc.)
  • We do not allow merging from an already identified user (distinct_id user can be previously identified, but anon_distinct_id and alias user cannot).

If we encounter an $identify or $create_alias event with one of the above problems, the following will happen:

  • We process the event normally (it will be ingested and show up in the UI)
  • We refuse to merge users and an ingestion warning will be logged (see ingestion warnings for more details).
  • The event will be only be tied to user behind the first passed distinct_id

Filtering internal users

If you want to avoid tracking users within your organization, you can do this within your project's settings.

Signup flow with frontend and backend

To use PostHog effectively we want all of the events tied to the same user to be tied to the same person_id (see consequences of merging users).

For when a user signs up to your service you may trigger some events on the frontend and the backend. The key is to make sure that both frontend and backend use the same distinctId at least once.

Example login flow

On the backend (example with Node.JS) you receive the signup / login code and track the user

const user = await createUser();
properties: {

On the frontend you need to have the same ID passed down in order to link the two users

const user = await fetch("/api/users/@me")

If you use a different identifier or multiple identifiers, be sure to alias the two IDs together for example on the backend with posthog-node

alias: user.alternativeId,

Things to be aware of

There's a few things to keep in mind when using a sign-up flow that involves both the frontend and backend:

  1. We have an event buffer to delay creating persons from backend events (see all about the event buffer) that will help.
  2. The event buffer has a limited time window, so the (identify or alias) event that merges the frontend and backend user should come in within that window (60s)
  3. We don't buffer $identify events, so from the backend take care to not send those for setting properties before the users are merged. For setting user properties you can use any custom event, e.g.
'distinct id',
event='movie played',
properties={ '$set': { 'userProperty': 'value' } }


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User properties

Setting properties The easiest way to set properties is to add the properties to the identify function during the initial login. Identify the user and set the user properties To update the properties of a user you can use set , set_once , and $unset . Depending on the integration library the actual function calls look a bit different, but internally they all work the same way. set : Set the property even if the property exists on the user set_once : Set the property if the property does not…

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