
Analyze users across a series of actions

See how many people enter a flow — and where they drop off.

Fix (and find) drop-offs

Identify where users fall out of a funnel, so you can make improvements where it really matters.

Powerful filtering

Filter by user cohorts, specify a strict sequence of steps, or allow events to be tracked in any order.

Correlation analysis

Understand the properties and previous behaviors that successful or unsuccessful users have in common.

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Free plan
Open source
Cloud hosting
Product analytics
Conversion funnels
Historical trends
Time to convert insights
Sequential step order
Strict step order
Any step order
Exclusion events
Conversion windows
Reveal user paths between steps
Anomaly detection
Filter internal and test users
Filter by cohort
Filter by user property
Breakdown by user property
Correlation analysis
How to build, analyze and optimize conversion funnels in PostHog

How to build, analyze and optimize conversion funnels in PostHog

Feb '23

  • Yakko Majuri
  • Andy Vandervell
“We observed drop-offs at very particular stages of our onboarding flows, as a result, we took several actions such as moving these steps further down the funnel. These changes helped us deliver a 10-20% improvement in our conversion rate.

Rikin KachhiaSoftware Engineer, Hasura

Funnels documentation

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