
See what's clicking with users

See what captures users' attention by visualizing click-counts as a product overlay.

Get more granular than pageviews

See which specific links users are clicking, and how often. Identify the most popular links on every page.

Spot usage patterns

Some behaviour can be hard to understand. See data in the right context, so you can spot patterns.

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Product analytics
Heatmaps (Clicks)
Heatmaps (Scrolls)
Heatmaps (Moves)
Clickcounts on map
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“We saw a lot of people clicking the Docs link of our footer, for example. Spotting that with PostHog’s heatmap pushed us to put it in the main navigation. Things like that? It's why every data-driven company should be using a product like PostHog.”
Andy SuFounder and CEO, Pry

Where else can you get open source product analytics, session recording, feature flags, A/B testing, heatmaps, a library of 50+ apps, event pipelines, a data warehouse, and an API... all in one place?

For all the tools you need with the modern data stack you want, just use
