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Outside of our pay and equity, we also offer several other exceptional benefits to our team.

With everyone being distributed across the world, we do our best to provide the same benefits to everyone, but they might vary slightly by country depending on the services that are available and local regulations.

If you have any ideas for how we can improve our benefits offering, then please let us know!

Pension and 401k contributions

To prepare everyone for later stages in their lives, we have set up a pension system.

In the US, our 401k plan is managed by Pentegra and we're matching up to 4%.

In the UK, we use Royal London as our pension provider. Team members contribute 5% and PostHog contributes 4%, but you can opt out if you like. You can also transfer out of the plan as frequently as you like, in case you would rather manage your own private pension.

Unfortunately, we are currently legally unable to provide pensions to contractors.

Private health insurance

It's important to us that everyone is as happy and healthy as they can be. To ensure this, we offer private health insurance in countries where the health system struggles with long wait times for appointments or high out-of-pocket costs. Currently, we provide private health insurance in the US and UK.

In the US, our medical insurance is provided via UnitedHealthcare and managed via our payroll provider Gusto. We also offer dental and vision insurance via Guardian. PostHog pays 100% of the premium of the Platinum plan for team members, and 75% for dependents.

In the UK, we use Bupa for private healthcare (£100 excess per policy year) and Medicash as our cash plan for dental and vision. Children are included for free. Both of these are taxable benefits which will affect your Personal Allowance each tax year, and you can opt out at any time with 1 month notice.

Mental health support

We know that the world can feel a bit heavy from time to time and we want to make sure everyone gets support, if they need it.

For people in the US, we offer the option to opt in to a Flexible Savings Account (FSA), which is a tax-advantaged account that allows you to contribute pre-tax dollars up to $3,050 per year to be used on out-of-pocket medical expenses. If you choose to contribute, PostHog will match up to $50 per month to help cover mental health care costs. The FSA is a "use it or lose it" benefit, so any dollars that are not spent by the end of the year return to the company.

There is also the option to choose a lower tier, high deductible health plan (HDHP), which will qualify you for a Health Savings Account (HSA) that has further tax benefits beyond what the FSA provides. We will also contribute $50 per month to this account if you opt in. At the end of the year, any unused money rolls over and the contribution limit resets.

For people in the UK, Bupa offers coverage for therapists that are inaccessible through the NHS alone.

Unlimited time off

Everyone in the team has unlimited, permissionless time off. This means you won't need to ask for permission before requesting time off - our people platform CharlieHR will auto approve your request.

We also offer generous parental leave for new parents.

Learning and development

We currently offer a Training budget and free books - you can find more on the relevant pages.

Equipment and co-working

As we are fully remote, we provide all equipment you need to have an ergonomic setup at home to be as productive as possible. We provide all team members with a company card for this purpose.

If you ever need change of scenery, we offer $200/month budget towards coworking or café working, or WeWork All Access.

If you are in the US, we have a WeWork discount via Brex. Please message Grace to get a code.


Ideally, we would like to meet up in person at twice a year. The team was able to meet up in Italy in September 2020, and we are heading to Portugal in August 2021.

For any work-related travel, we use Project Wren for carbon offsetting.

Support open-source projects

The PostHog platform wouldn't be possible without open-source software. We are standing on the shoulders of giants. As such, we feel it's important to support the software we benefit from through giving each team member a $100/month budget to provide support to open-source projects.

For more information see open-source sponsorship for individuals.

Team socials

As a global, all-remote team, we don't get many regular opportunities to socialize with each other outside of our offsites.

We encourage team members to try and meet up with each other when practical, and provide everyone with an $250 monthly budget to cover the cost of travel and meals. Beyond staying within the spending limit, please just spend the money in the best interests of the company. Any unused budget does not roll over each month.

We find that team members use this to visit each other when they live in geographically similar locations (e.g. a train journey or short flight away) or to go out for dinner when they happen to be passing through the same city. However there are no specific constraints on this. Feel free to post any upcoming travel plans in the #whereintheworld channel in Slack and see who is available to meet up!

We also have biweekly coffee catch-ups as a team, and we use the Donut Slack app to pair you up with random colleague on Slack. Simply join the #virtual-coffee channel on Slack and be paired up with someone on the team to meet for a virtual coffee/tea etc.

We'll be your first investor

We'll be your first investor and biggest cheerleader, if you spend two years at PostHog and leave to start a new company. We're looking for entrepreneurs and a strong bias for action!


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Time off

We offer our team unlimited time off, but with an expectation that you take at least 25 days off a year , including national holidays. This is to make sure that people can take time off flexibly while not feeling guilty about being on vacation. The reason for this policy is that it's critical for PostHog that we hire people we can trust to be responsible with their time off - enough that they can recharge, but not so much that it means we don't get any work done. The People & Ops team will look…

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