
Last updated:

PostHog for Startups is our program to support early stage companies. We offer generous credits together with a bunch of extra goodies. This page covers how we run the programme.

The YC Deal is a separate deal that we do for the latest batch of YC companies and has its own page here.

Any company that is <2 years old and has raised $5m in funding or less is eligible.

What happens after companies apply

  1. Company applies by signing up to PostHog and then emailing us at startups@.
  2. CS verify they meet the criteria and apply a $50k Stripe coupon to their account that expires in 12 months.
  3. Charles replies and sends a link to the PostHog for Startups Giveaway from Printfection. Hit 'Get new link', copy the link and then mark it as 'sent'. The user redeems the link and enters their own shipping details.
  4. Charles adds them to the PostHog for Startups Google Sheet in the Marketing shared Google drive for future event invites.
  5. Once a month, we schedule office hours with James/Luke (business & product) and Charles/Simon (ops & commercial) - Charles will send out an email to gauge interest then we can just send a Zoom invite if enough people are interested. If too many people start showing up, we can do this differently at a later date.
  6. Once a month, Charles will go through the list of startups who have signed up and pick one to spotlight. He'll interview them following a standard format and post it to our blog.
  7. If a startup lets us know they have a launch coming up, we'll support them ad hoc on Twitter, Slack etc.


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Press enquiries Any press-related enquiries should be directed to - this includes any emails you receive personally. Only Joe, James, Tim or Charles should be talking to the press on PostHog's behalf. With the exception of occasional major press releases (see below), PR is purely a reactive activity at PostHog. We do not invest in proactive PR yet, as we believe other channels are a higher priority. Managing press releases From time to time, we may have significant company…

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