Emanuele Capparelli's README

Last updated:

Areas of responsibility

  • Anything billing and pricing
  • Anything that can help with improving our activation rates and revenue growth
  • Messaging, emailing, prompts, any tooling we need for boosting our communication


  • Not a big fan of meetings, I tend to be easily distracted when in front of a camera (and not), even if I’m the one speaking
  • Prefer to pair a few times and do more in less time together, rather than having an endless cycle of async check-ins that can drag over multiple days
  • Have trouble saying no, which means I end up accepting too many tasks at once, and failing to deliver on the ones I care the least / shouldn’t have been bothered with in the first case
  • Potentially because of the nature of the job, where all kind of thing keep on falling on my lap, but I sometimes take sprint planning as a suggestion on what to work on, rather than a definitive direction
  • Night owl productivity-wise, currently working from early afternoon to evening in UTC timezone, keeping my mornings free so I can benefit from the sunshine more
  • I like to tend to my own garden, which means I won’t go around the company giving feedback to everybody about everything, but I care a lot about the things I have ownership of

What I value

  • I like to give direct feedback, which means that If I have an issue with something, you’ll hear about it the next minute
  • I also like to tell people when I appreciate them, I believe in constant positive feedback to lift each other up
  • I like to joke and being Italian sometimes I might come up with inappropriate jokes that might feel out of place in the workplace, but I just like to be silly


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