
Answer any ad-hoc product usage question. Instantly.

"We track how users engage with our product, where they fall out of funnels and what the trends in behavior are. That data helped us make several important decisions about improving our platform."

Tiffany WongCo-founder, Pry

Visualize user data with graphs, tables, charts, maps and more.

Find patterns and cohorts

Group data by properties such as traffic source to find patterns in behaviour and track marketing wins.

Visualize and share data

Explore data over any period, compare to baselines, then save and share insights with your team.

Decisions with full context

Add annotations for context on spikes, or jump to a list of users and their recordings in one click.

Swipe right to compare.

Free plan
Open source
Cloud hosting
Product analytics
Count events and actions
Count users and groups
AND + OR filters
Trend forecasting
Filter by cohort
Filter internal and test users
Simple formula (add, multiply)
Complex formula (SIN, COS)
Breakdown results
Compare to previous periods
Compare cohorts
Export raw results

Trends documentation

    Where else can you get open source product analytics, session recording, feature flags, A/B testing, heatmaps, a library of 50+ apps, event pipelines, a data warehouse, and an API... all in one place?

    For all the tools you need with the modern data stack you want, just use
